Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Marionette Of Sorrow Chapter 2

March 9th
Born of sorrows has she been, forever immortalized in wood and porcelain. A face appearing as smooth as it had in life replicated by using porcelain instead of wood. Forever will I have my Emily by my side.

March 18th

Today a few rather odd things happened. I had come home from the market only to find the marionette had been moved from the basement workshop to the chair Emily had sat in so much sewing her embroidery. She was just sitting there, in the chair when I first walked in. I could almost hear Emily say “Welcome home darling” as I crossed the threshold

March 26th

More odd things to follow, the days that have past I can not account for what might be happening when I leave the house. It appears the marionette has begun to move on its own. At first I thought it might have been someone playing a cruel joke on me but the house is locked as tightly as it were when I left. Everything still in its place, not a single thing except for the doll moved. There are times where I can almost hear Emily’s voice and her laughter as clearly as I hear the birds chirping outside. One might consider this madness but I almost welcome it, if it means in someway having her back. Although I do wonder how good of a thing this may be, to not only embrace this madness but to welcome it?

April 3rd

This morning I awoke and could almost smell Emily lying beside me in bed, that sweet floral perfume that she loved to wear. It was so real I reached across the bed to touch her only to feel a cold piece of wood and porcelain. I never moved faster in my life as when I flew out of that bed. As I peered down at it lying there in my bed I saw its delicate head on Emily’s pillow, its curls strewn over the case as if it really had been sleeping in bed. Its eyes permanently wide open with that blank stare, staring at the ceiling. I could hear Emily laughing just the same as if she was in the room.

April 5th

Today it happened, today I saw it move. It didn’t move as graceful as Emily did, but rather jerkily like as if it were being used by a novice puppeteer. She slowly rose from the seat I placed her in, walking in that terrible way across the room towards me. Standing before me, her face before mine she moved her hand up towards my face and gently caressed my face. All the while looking at me in an almost imploring way, when it suddenly dawned on me what it wanted all along. It was Emily trying to tell me that she wanted me to be with her. Tonight nothing shall separate us again.

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